Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Linux Ubuntu 7.o4

Linux has been in our lives forever except that most of us have never heard of Linux. Well for those who don't know, Linux is an opearting system like Windows Vista and Mac OS X. What's great about Linux is that no one actually owns Linux. Linux is completley free since it is open source. Open source means that anyone can take the original source code of Linux and make their own version. They're are many different versions like Red Hat, Gentoo, Fedora, Damn Small Linux, Knoppix. Most versions of Linux weren't user friendly and it made many people nervous to mess with Linux since they didn't know how to install it. Live CDs for some versions of Linux were created. This allows you to boot it directly from the CD. Linux Ubuntu is a Live CD and is possibly one of the most user-friendly versions of Linux out there. Thanks to it's user-friendly controls it is drawing many users away from Windows to Ubuntu. But why switch from Windows to Linux. Simple. Linux doesn't get viruses, spyware, malware, etc. A downside is that there isn't much compatible software for Linux, but there are plenty good apps out there to replace your old Windows' programs. After 6 successful versions, Canonical, is releasing Linux Ubuntu 7.04. This version is said to offer more user-friendly features. This version launches tomorrow so head on over to to check it out. You can download the image or you can order a free CD of Linux. Enjoy!


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