Sunday, March 16, 2008

FairUse DVD Ripper Free for a Limited Time

Grab a free copy of the normally-$20 DVD ripper FairUse Wizard 2, which converts DVDs to video files playable by a slew of devices.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Do NOT Turn Jesus On

Do NOT Turn Jesus On.
Originally uploaded by sepultura
Hmmmm... well this is a very creepy light switch cover. It appears to be Jesus showing off his manhood to two children. I hope the person who made this didn't mean to make it look that way.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

CNN fired a producer for writing a blog

A former CNN producer vents his frustration over his sudden termination for keeping a blog and also weighs in on the corruption in the mainstream media. Great article. To truly get understand the message of this story you have to read the whole thing. Enjoy!

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Nerd Handbook

"A nerd needs a project because a nerd builds stuff. All the time. Those lulls in the conversation over dinner? That’s the nerd working on his project in his head.

It’s unlikely that this project is a nerd’s day job because his opinion regarding his job is, “Been there, done that”. We’ll explore the consequences of this seemingly short attention span in a bit, but for now this project is the other big thing your nerd is building and I’ve no idea what is, but you should.

At some point, you, the nerd’s companion, were the project. You were showered with the fire hose of attention because you were the bright and shiny new development in your nerd’s life. There is also a chance that you’re lucky and you are currently your nerd’s project. Congrats. Don’t get too comfortable because he’ll move on, and, when that happens, you’ll be wondering what happened to all the attention. This handbook might help.

Regarding gender: for this piece, my prototypical nerd is a he as a convenience. There are plenty of she nerds out there for which these observations equally apply."

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Volunteer Firefighter Charged With Lighting Several Blazes

"An 18-year-old volunteer firefighter who has been charged with setting a series of fires in northwest Indiana told investigators he set at least two of the blazes so he could be called to put them out, according to court documents."
I actually knew this kid. You think you know a person...

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Censored Count

Once again I have brought another fine and hilarious video to this blog. Remember the Count? From Sesame Street? Well, someone took this clip from Sesame Street made for preschoolers and made it kind of NSFW. It bleeps out the word "count" in order to make you think the Count is really saying something else. I'll let you figure out what that word is for yourself. Though you might want to turn the volume down a little. It's not hard to figure out what they are bleeping out.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Randall Munroe of xkcd Endorses Obama

"I want, for once, someone I can vote for not because I dislike the other candidate, but because I’m proud of mine. Obama is the real thing." -Randall Munroe

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Astronaut Self-portrait Over Earth

Astronaut Self-shot Over Earth
Originally uploaded by eric.genn
This photo is amazing. It is a self-portrait of an astronaut in space over earth. This picture is truly out of this world. This causes me to ask this question. Do you need to use the flash in space.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Hello, World... again.

This blog has gone through some changes over its year history. Different themes, templates, elements have been added and removed. Today marks a milestone in All About Anything history. This is one of the biggest site redesigns I've done yet and this being one of the first posts in months it needed a big redesign. This new template expands the post area and shrinks the extra stuff on the side. I've removed the various clutter from the sidebar like the About Me, Twitter, etc. I added a links section and a cool stories section. I've also included a labels area where you can click on a label of a topic that interests you and be instantly greeted with a variety of posts from the past year. The blog has gotten a lot brighter. This is the brightest it's been I think. I went for a clean white theme that's easier on the eyes than past themes. I hope to post more than I've been. The blog seemed to get away from me for awhile and I hope to pack in more original content and hot stories. Anyway, enjoy the blog.

Questions, comments, complaints? Drop me a line the comments.

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Revision3 Launches New Website

Revison3 just launched their new site and also will begin releasing Diggnation to everyone, Fridays at 7:00PM EST.

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