Sunday, April 29, 2007

Flea Market Montgomery

Hey ya'll! I'm gonna start infecting the blog here with some of my favorite viral videos. It's your job to watch them and then pass them along. Repost them, e-mail them, whatever. I want you to infect as many people as possible. So start spreading these ITDs (Internet Transmitted Diseases) Here's one I recently discovered:


Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I just found the coolest website everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Ok, so I'm sure everyone has heard of the Nintendo Wii and I'm sure a few of you out there have one. And I'm sure that if you have one you know what a Mii. For those not in the know a Mii is a little character that you can create on the Wii's Mii Channel. You can customize name, hair, nose, mouth, eyes, etc. These little dudes can then be used in games like Wii Sports and Wii Play to be your on-screen avatars. Well, a programmer from Adobe has created his own web-based Mii creator called the Mii Editor. It very closely resembles the Wii's Mii Channel and includes all the customization options of the Wii version. Once you create your funky little avatar you can save it in four different sizes, including one size which is the perfect dimensions for an AIM buddy icon. You can check out the site at Enjoy!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ding Dong, Sanjaya's Gone!

Well, it's official and completely unexpected. The one supported by has been sent home. Yes, Sanjaya Malakar, possibly one of the worst singers in American Idol has been eliminated. It was predicted he would make it to the finals because of this trend of voting for the worst, but it seems people might have just gotten tired of voting of him. People were just tired of Sanjaya. Or were the results fixed? Hmmm... this is a tough question to answer. It seemed odd to me that Lakeisha and Blake joined Sanjaya in the bottom three. Hmmm... weird. Well anyway, American Idol just lost it's fun little joke. I bet somewhere, some little girl named Ashley is crying now.


Linux Ubuntu 7.o4

Linux has been in our lives forever except that most of us have never heard of Linux. Well for those who don't know, Linux is an opearting system like Windows Vista and Mac OS X. What's great about Linux is that no one actually owns Linux. Linux is completley free since it is open source. Open source means that anyone can take the original source code of Linux and make their own version. They're are many different versions like Red Hat, Gentoo, Fedora, Damn Small Linux, Knoppix. Most versions of Linux weren't user friendly and it made many people nervous to mess with Linux since they didn't know how to install it. Live CDs for some versions of Linux were created. This allows you to boot it directly from the CD. Linux Ubuntu is a Live CD and is possibly one of the most user-friendly versions of Linux out there. Thanks to it's user-friendly controls it is drawing many users away from Windows to Ubuntu. But why switch from Windows to Linux. Simple. Linux doesn't get viruses, spyware, malware, etc. A downside is that there isn't much compatible software for Linux, but there are plenty good apps out there to replace your old Windows' programs. After 6 successful versions, Canonical, is releasing Linux Ubuntu 7.04. This version is said to offer more user-friendly features. This version launches tomorrow so head on over to to check it out. You can download the image or you can order a free CD of Linux. Enjoy!


In Memoriam

Hello everyone. I'm here merely to show my sympathy to the 32 people at Virginia Tech who died on Monday April 16,2007. Shall we pray for them and their families and shall we also pray that such a tragedy never wreaks it's havoc upon anyone again.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wii Internet Channel Finally Out of Beta!!!!!!

Yes, you read right. Finally, after many months, Opera's Internet browser for the Wii is out of beta!
I got home from school today and opened my Google Reader and scrolled down to the Webware feed from I was surprised to see the headline "Wii Internet Channel finally out of beta." I immediately became quite excited and fired up my Wii. I immediately connected to the Wii Shop Channel which told me I had to first do a Wii System Update. I exited out of the Shopping Channel and noticed Nintendo left me a message on my Wii Message Board. I announced to me the Internet Channel was out of beta and provided me a link to update my Wii's firmware and then told me to go back to Shop Channel and access the Wii Ware section. I downloaded it with ease and immediately started it up.
As you select the channel from the Wii Menu it makes a nice little jingle sound greeting you. It loads up much faster compared to the old Internet Channel. Through the settings you can adjust the Toolbar Display either setting it to always display or auto-hide toolbar which is a nice feature if on a small TV like me. A new search feature has been implemented into the browser allowing you to search either Google or Yahoo. The zoom feature has been refined to allow more precise zooming. The Favorites menu is relatively the same with a few graphical tweaks and the addition of more of Nintendo's and Opera's links. Typing seems to be the same with the point and click functionality. Maybe some day the Wii will allow a keyboard to connect via USB or Bluetooth. One feature still missing from the new Internet browser is tabbed browsing. This is a major negative to a very promising browser. Maybe that feature will included in a later update.
All in all the the Wii Internet Channel has greatly improved over the trial version though a few key features are still absent. The Channel will be available for free on the Wii Shop Channel until June 30. Then you'll have to shell out some hard earned Wii Points to get the browser.


Another One Falls

Tonight we saw another American Idol contestant fall, Haley Scarnato. Even though her sexy attire choice for that night was spot on, her song of Maria, Maria received mixed reveiws from the judges. There are only seven contestants left. Who will be the last man/woman standing? And how long will Sanjaya last? Will he and his atrocious singing make it to the end or will people finally come to their senses and stop voting for him? Only time will tell. So we bid thee farewell Haley and we hope to soon say goodbye to COUGH! Suckjaya COUGH! excuse me Sanjaya Malakar.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My YouTube Video

What's up guys?! I'm here to post a video I've recently uploaded to YouTube. It's of my friend being extremely stupid and spraying a hose around that was attached to a sink.
WARNING: After you watch this video you may be stupider.


South Park Studio

Hey everyone! I got a question for you. Do you like the show South Park? Well, if you do, you might also like to create your own South Park character. I've stumbled across this site: There you can create your very own South Park character like the one I created shown to the right. Anyway, have fun with this little toy.


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So Long 20GB Playstation 3, We Hardly Knew Ya

This is an article taken from It's about the death of the 20GB PS3. Enjoy!


By Matt Peckham

We knew it. They knew it. It was only a matter of time before Sony opted to axe its $499 "entry level" boat anchor. Okay, granted a really super-powerful boat anchor I wouldn't personally mind stuffing in my tiny little train wreck of an entertainment center, and that I'd never actually use to, you know, stabilize a sloop or something.But seriously, if you can drop $500 on a video game system, why not an extra hundred mazuma for bells and whistles?

Availability, to be sure, which for good or ill hasn't been one of the PS3's shortcomings. You want one, you got one, just pop out to the nearest retailer, bring your firstborn with for trade-in credit, etc.Curiously, while anecdotal evidence suggested the basic 20GB model hadstocking issues, GamePro reports the 60GB premium model was outselling its feebler sibling by 10-to-1.

I'll forever remember hunkering in my local Walmart's "footware" section for an Xbox 360 (I was lucky next to the poor fools braving arctic temperatures outside the nearby Best Buy), debating with insanely devoted (or frighteningly deferential) parents the consumerist logic of waiting in line that long for anything. My prize? A 360"Core," a hundred bucks cheaper than its big brother, and about $150 more expensive once you'd tracked down all the gizmos and whatzits you needed to bring it up to par.

At least the basic model PS3 (rest its soul) came with a hard drive.

New Wii Channel

Hey folks! I was just watching AOTS (Attack of the Show) on G4 and they just announced that G4 created a Wii Channel which can be found at on the Wii's web browser and on your computer's browser. I haven't checked it out on the Wii yet but it seems more like a website specifically for the Wii like For those who don't know, is actually a website that adds a tabbed browsing functionality to your Wii's browser when you visit it. Anyway, G4's Wii website allows you to watch some clips from your favorite G4 shows and a few other doodads. So, if you have a Wii with Internet access and you like G4 check it out. Talk to ya'll later.


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Hey everyone! Welcome to my blog, All About Anything. Ok, the name kinda sucks, but maybe you can help me find a new one. Anyway, this is All About Anything and well, it talks all about anything. From video games to movies. From money to assortments of strange buttons. This is the blog that'll talk about anything it so pleases. So anyway, things might be a little slow since I just started it (to tell the truth, I started this like a month ago and never did anything with it until now). Anyway, enjoy the blog and feel free to drop me a message about suggestions.


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